medical resources


This is a list of SANE, or Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, Programs, within the Texas Health network. SANE professionals are registered nurses who have received training to provide adequate care to sexual assault victims, including forensic exams, testing and prevention of STDs, and follow-up services with law enforcement or advocacy programs. The attached list has Texas locations that have access to SANE. Two locations (Texas Health, W.W. Caruth Jr. Center for Safe Healing and Texas Health Fort Worth SAFE Suite) have SAFE suites where the sexual assault victim has more secure resources.


Austin Specific

SAFE’s Eloise House: 

SAFE’s Eloise House is located in Austin, TX and functions as a sexual assault advocacy center and crisis intervention. The advocacy center provides resources, provides options on how to best proceed after sexual assault, and offers forensic exams and medical care. While these resources are free, there must be an appointment scheduled.


STI Testing for $20:

Sexual Health Clinic at RBJ Health Center, 15 Waller Street, for testing, diagnosis, and treatment of STIs. The standard tests are HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. 

    Volunteer Healthcare Clinic:
    Charitable, part-time clinic that provides primary care for acute & chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. Patients seeking care here must be sick or have a condition that we treat. They will direct you to other clinics that have the resources for specific medical needs that cannot be met by them.
    Patient Eligibility Requirements:
    • Be uninsured and have no form of health care coverage (i.e. no MAP, Medicaid/CHIP, Medicare, private insurance, etc.)
    • Meet income guidelines (less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Income Level)
    • Live in Travis County 
    • Present a valid Photo ID such as a driver's license, consulate card, etc.
    • Present proof of current Travis County address (ID, utility bill, lease agreement, etc.)
    • A $10 donation (or more) is requested

      People’s Community Clinic:
        • Offers affordable medical resources. Operates on a sliding fee scale, where you pay what you can based on income. You can consult these resources for a wide range of medical necessities from STI testing or routine examination.